A Rainy Day in Edinburgh
Most days here are a mix of gray and dark gray, but there's usually at least a peek of sun, and once in a while a whole day's worth of it. Yesterday we only got a peek.

Here's a glimpse of Michael hard at work putting labels (which read, "***** UNMISSABLE Edinburgh Guide") on flyers.

Here's a glimpse of Andrew hard at work sitting at a Starbucks.

As for the flyers, here's a little look at what happens when they go bad--mismatched colors, odd shapes and miscuttings. Still good coasters, though, or in Scot-speak, "beer mats."
Below are some photos of the gang relxaing after our show for the monster crowd. Note the relief in our eyes that they didn't turn violent. Fortunately we lulled them into a satisfied stupor with our drama.