House Enormous
God knows where they all came from, but we had our biggest house yet for yesterday's show! To keep things in perspective, we should note that our biggest house yet consists of 33 people. But in a small theater at the Fringe, competing with 1800 other shows (and not having any reviews yet), that's really good. Given that the Hill Street Studio only seats about 65 or so, it was great to look out and see most of the seats taken. There was also another press person there today, and it's always better to have more people when press is there.
On the subject of press and reviews, we're a little frustrated. They've come, in at least one case they've said they liked it explicitly, and yet we're still waiting to see anything in print. To be fair, it's tough--the papers are sending reviewers to tons of shows, and doubtless there are reviews written that take days or weeks to make it into print. But they make such a huge difference (provided they're good, of course, which we are by no means taking for granted; but if they're not good, we'll move on and pretend they never happened) that we're antsy to have something to put on our flyers and posters, something with a lot of stars maybe. We'll let you know if and when we get 'em.