Getting People into the House

This is a shot of one of the display windows of the John Lewis store on Leith Walk. They've been doing a promotion called Windows on the Fringe, which started on Monday with a preview performance of...The Pearl! We were in the window for 30 minutes performing selections from the show--the pearl-diving sequence, one of the beggars' scenes, Kino's visions of the Pearl, and a couple pieces of chorus text. They've got a speaker set-up just to the right of what's in the picture, so we could use music as well as text (there's a microphone stand in the left of the photo). Pedestrian traffic wasn't huge when we were there (11:00--11:30), but there were a bunch of people who wandered by, and Teresa was diligently flyering them all. Surprisingly, it worked--we got four people in the house just from that half an hour. Proof that when people see what we're doing, they like it.
Yesterday we did something similar on one of two small Fringe stages that are set up on the Royal Mile. That's the part of High Street that holds most of the show-promoting. It was a bit more daunting in that respect--very poor amplification (no big amps allowed) and lots of competition for people's attention, but nonetheless we managed to hold a crowd for the 20 minutes we were performing. That's good news. We'll be doing that again tomorrow, and the John Lewis window again on Friday.
Our crowds have been good so far, if not spectacular. What with these promo opportunities and a lot of diligent flyer-pushing, we've been getting people in. We've also had one producer and two reviewers in the house, with another reviewer coming today. As of yet, no published reviews, which is annoying, but we expect at least one in the next day or two. We'll post details as soon as we get them (if not sooner, pacinosomo).

Thanks for reading!