Explosive! Powerful! Jaw-Dropping! Shattering! Brilliant! -- We Open!

Technically we open today, actually, as the first two shows were previews, but for our purposes things actually got going on Friday.
The show went fabulously well, and we had a great house for a first preview. The staff at Hill Street have been fantastic, and it's a great, warm and welcoming place to do a show. We've been out flyering like mad since we got here, and it's starting to pay off with people in the house. We've also got three reviewers coming in the next four days, so hopefully we'll have some thrilling pull quotes for you soon, and we can plaster this space with stars.
Here at left is the gang as we got ready to go in for tech. Below that is the official introduction party where we got to talk to all the other folks performing at Hill Street. I've been able to sample our Polish bartender's drinks, and I can tell you that the Russian Tank and the Apple Pie are both fantastic.