Some thoughts about Now and the Future
The show is going well, with the house numbers growing everyday. It's lovely to be able to talk to people after the shows and have a drink and hear their thoughts about the Pearl. Today we got our first comparison to Complicity which is a theatre that I have a lot of respect for and started in a very similar way as Split Knuckle. The original members all trained together at a physical theatre school in Paris and then decided to take their show to the Edinburgough Fringe. Some of the comments, particularly from theatre people, make me belive that Split Knuckle is in a world that is new and surprising to people. Something that people have not seen yet but have a deep intrest in how it turns out. One actor from Beligium called the show a pray. I have never been a show described that way. Our goal as a company is to bring the world of physical theatre/storytelling and classical theatre training and texts together to tell beautiful stories. I belive this will take our whole careers to achieve but this moment, here, now, this project, this group of people is an amazing begining. Sorry about the spelling I'm Dyslexic and the spell check is broken.