Split Knuckle
Hello Friends, Family and Comrades,
First, I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, support and prayers for Split Knuckle Theatre over the last year. It’s an amazing feeling to have so many people helping to make a long time dream of mine come true. Over the last year Split Knuckle has performed in Buenos Aries, London, Edinburgh and as some of you already know Split Knuckle Theatre has recently returned from Bucharest, Romania, where we played the Pearl for an international festival. If you haven’t checked out our website there are many photos and reviews from our travels.
WWW.splitknuckletheatre.org . Apparently the Romanian Minister of Culture traveled to Edinburgh last August to see the festival and invited shows that he or his committee liked to come to Romania. I was told he travels incognito and never tells anyone who he really is, so we did not even know he was in Scotland at the time. I'm not sure how true the incognito part is and I wonder if the Romanians were having a go at the Foreigners. It felt like being a rock star being picked up at the airport and driven where ever we needed to go. Their hospitality was overwhelming. The theatre space is relatively new and it is the first independent theatre in Bucharest. All the rest are National theatres that are considered to be linked to the old traditions. There was an old lady who was our dresser who took a shine to our company. She saw the first show and was crying afterwards and trying to talk to my mother. Neither one of them could speak each other’s language. Despite this, they tried desperately to communicate with each other that they thought the show was very moving. Afterwards I had many long conversations with her where I could not understand anything she said except "Oh Michael! Oh Michael! She seemed very happy to be working with us. You could tell this woman had spent her life working in the theatre and helping actors. Here are our thoughts for the future. We have recently been invited to play the Pearl at the New Jersey State Theatre next year. This will be our US premier. For those who could not make it to Argentina, the UK or Romania you are all invited to see us in the most exotic of states, New Jersey.
This company continues to amaze us all. Every time we sit down to dinner together in another country, all from so many different parts of the world, we are all surprised that we made it to the same room again. Somehow it seems right and people continue to love the work we are bringing them. I hope all is well, that you are healthy, happy and passionate about life. Thanks you again. Love Michael Toomey
The Future of the Pearl
Hello, world, and we've missed you. This is just a short note to let you know that we're currently scheduling the return of the Pearl to the international scene. The details aren't set yet, but keep yer eyes peeled and yer ears open, as news will be coming soon...

When we first arrived- We went to the top of Arthers Seat an amazing meandering hill walk where you can see the entire city- at the time Juan kept saying- We are on top of the world! I think the rest of the company has finally caught up with him after the success of the last week
Look at the window!

So what did Split Knuckle do before the 5 star review to get people in?? Well they spent two days a week in the window of John Lewis- a Department store here- enacting the play out for passers by- after the review they decided the fun had to stop and cancelled their window gig!
A Lovely Sight
The Price of a Complimentary Ticket

So you want to visit, do you? Get to work! These flyers won't label themselves.
Fog Blog

Here's a selection of views from last Friday, when the great fog descended on the city. It's midday in August! I can't imagine what it's like here in winter.
Four Sell Out Shows

Split Knuckle has sold out the last four shows. In a festival where the average audience is said to be six people I think that is amazing. The word is spreading and the reviews have been very helpful. We are also on the recommended list for the Scotsman which appears every couple of days. I am determined to sell out the rest of the week. I am just about to head out to do more flyering. Pack em in baby! Wish us luck.
Scotsman Review on line
Thanks to that lovely review, we sold out both shows over the weekend and we've gotten a good head start on the week. If you'd like to read it,
it's online now.
Here as well is a link to
our reviews page at edfringe, where you can read audience reviews from people who have seen the show. Word-of-mouth is helping us a lot.
Split Knuckle sells out
Amazing what the Scotsman will do for you; we sold out yesterday's show (including about 10 folding chairs added to the normal seats) and are well on our way to selling out today, too. We'll be doing all we can to keep the momentum going for the rest of the week. Keep spreading the word!
Also, Seth has posted the review at
the website, so you can go there and check it out if you haven't yet been able to.